Proposed Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) Rules have been pre-published in the Canada Gazette, Part I. The public can review and comment on the proposed Rules now through July 11.
The IAD is one of four divisions of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). The IAD hears appeals on immigration-related matters. The IAD Rules establish the IAD’s procedures for appeals. For example, the Rules:
- lay out the steps each party in an appeal must follow
- explain time limits for filing an appeal and disclosing documents
- establish the early resolution mechanisms that may be used to resolve a case
The Rules play an important part in ensuring that the IAD fulfills its mandate to resolve appeals efficiently, fairly, and in accordance with the law.
Objective of the proposed Rules
The proposed IAD Rules would help to ensure the efficient and fair administration of cases while contributing to the overall objectives of the
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), such as family reunification, public safety, and program integrity. Specifically, the proposed IAD Rules would aim to achieve the following policy goals and outcomes:
- Increase efficiency and reduce the overall time to finalize immigration appeals
- Enhance access to justice for those involved in immigration processes
- Provide consistency in procedures and requirements in proceedings that are common to all IRB divisions, where appropriate
The Canada Gazette, Part I gives all Canadians the opportunity to provide their comments on proposed regulations, including rules. We encourage you to take the time to
review the proposed IAD Rules and provide your comments within the 30-day period ending July 11. We will review and update the proposed Rules, as needed, based on the comments we receive.