Updated IRB hearings model makes it easier to request an in-person hearing

​The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) has published its Practice N​otice: Scheduling of virtual and in-person hearings at the IRB.​ This practice notice is now in effect for hearings to be held on September 5, 2023, or lat​er. Our earlier practice notice on scheduling hearings still applies to hearings held on or before September 4, 2023.

This update to the IRB's hearings model will provide more flexibility. It will also increase access to in-person hearings for persons appearing before the Board.

Main changes in the new practice notice

  • Hearings are still virtual by default. However, updated procedures allow many requests for in- person hearings to be accepted without the need to provide reasons.
  • The new practice notice makes it clear that individuals can use IRB premises and equipment for their virtual hearings upon request and subject to operational limitations.
  • Divisions have updated the procedures individuals use to request in-person hearings or to access IRB space for virtual hearings.

Individuals appearing before the Board have specific needs and situations. Efficient and effective ​processes that recognize those needs help meet the IRB's commitment to access to justice.

To learn more, read the full practic​e notice