The IRB has published a new Practice Notice on Procedural Issues at the RPD

​​​The Refugee Protection Division (RPD) has published a new Practice Notice on Procedural Issues (PNPI).

The PNPI combines all policy and procedural information for the RPD into one comprehensive practice notice – replacing 9 previous practice notices, making it easier for parties to consult.

Previous practice notices are no longer in effect and will be archived on the IRB website until further notice. These include the following:

  1. Revised Temporary Procedures for providing the Basis of Claim Form in Quebec (September 22, 2017)
  2. Practice Notice on the Temporary Extension of Time Limits for Filing the Basis of Claim Form (April 7, 2020)
  3. Practice Notice on the Temporary Extension of Time Limits for Filing the Basis of Claim Form (August 28, 2020)
  4. Refugee Protection Division Practice Notice: Compliance with Refugee Protection Division Rules (December 8, 2014)
  5. Notice to Parties and Counsel Appearing before the Refugee Protection Division – Late Disclosure (May 7, 2018)
  6. Notice to Parties and Counsel Appearing before the Refugee Protection Division – Voluminous Country Conditions Evidence (May 7, 2018)
  7. Practice Notice: Presence of Children at Refugee Protection Division Hearings (March 11, 2019)
  8. Practice Notice: Use of Electronic Signatures (November 26, 2019)
  9. Refugee Protection Division: Practice Notice on the Resumption of In-person Hearings​ (June 23, 2020; updated November 18, 2022)

The PNPI​ comes into force immediately, except for sections 2.2, 4.1, 4.4, and 4.5 pertaining to extensions of time to submit completed BOC forms, changes of date and time, and procedures for late and voluminous disclosure. These sections come into force on October 15​​, 2024 , to provide additional time for parties to familiarize themselves with the new procedures and forms.​

For additional information, please consult our quick guide and questions and answers.