2012-13 Part III ‑ Departmental Performance Report

Greening Government Operations

Voluntary Reporting on Any Other Greening Government Operations Initiative

By March 31, 2014, 90% of IT hardware purchases will be environmentally preferred models.

Hardware purchases
Performance Measure RPP
Dollar value of IT hardware purchases that meet the target relative to total dollar value of all purchases for IT hardware in the given year 80% 96%

Strategies / Comments

  1. For the purposes of this target, an environmentally preferred model refers to desktop computers, notebooks, monitors, and servers.
  2. Reliance on the PWGSC standing offers and the availability of environmentally preferred models were vital to the success of this target.

By March 31, 2014, 100% of the bidding process for professional services contract requirements (using departmental authorities) will encourage bidders to be green in the bidding and contract management processes.

Bidding and contract management processes
Performance Measure RPP
Volume of tendered professional services contracts that include green bidding elements relative to the total volume of tendered professional services contracts for the given year 100% 100%

Strategies / Comments

  1. The IRB has modified the standard tendering template to reduce the number of hard-copy proposals required when possible. If hard copy proposals are submitted, the bidder is encouraged to follow environmentally preferable formats.

By March 31, 2014, 75% of materiel managers and procurement personnel and 85% of acquisition cardholders will have taken a recognized training course on green procurement offered by the Canada School of Public Service.

Training on green procurement
Performance Measure RPP
Number of materiel managers and procurement personnel who have completed training relative to the total number of materiel managers and procurement personnel 60% 83%
Number of acquisition cardholders who have completed training relative to the total number of acquisition cardholders 50% 46%

Strategies / Comments

  1. The IRB continues to require acquisition cardholders to participate in the green procurement courses offered by the Canada School of Public Service or to participate in green procurement Web based seminars offered by PWGSC. The IRB will further its efforts to promote the training of acquisition cardholders by providing videoconference sessions to IRB personnel and acquisition cardholders.