Summary of referral reports on counsel conduct 2023 to 2024

​The following summary report of alleged professional conduct violations by counsel was published in line with the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada's (IRB) Policy on Disclosing Information Regarding the Conduct of Authorized Representatives to Regulatory Bodies and associated procedures.

  • During the period of April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024, the IRB dealt with a total of 34 reported cases of alleged professional conduct violations by counsel.
  • Of the 34 cases reported:
    • 25 involved lawyers who were members of a provincial bar association
    • 9 involved regulated Canadian immigration consultants
    • 14 involved counsel in the IRB's Eastern region,15 involved counsel in the IRB's Central region, and 5 involved counsel in the IRB's Western region
    • 19 were referred to the appropriate regulator, the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants or the responsible law society
    • 9 of these alleged violations did not need to be referred to a regulator and 6 referral decisions were still pending at the end of the reporting period