Supplementary information table: Gender-based Analysis Plus

​​​​​​​Section 1: Institutional Gender-based Analysis Plus governance and capacity


The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB or the Board) is an independent administrative tribunal responsible for making well‑reasoned decisions on immigration and refugee matters, efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law.

The Board is not responsible for developing public policy relating to refugee and immigration matters, as this falls under the mandates of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). However, when consulted by the government on the impact that proposed government policies may have on the ​IRB's work, the Board includes Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus) considerations in its input, as appropriate.


The ​IRB can establish adjudicative instruments and procedural tools to complement the guidance provided by the Board's enabling legislation, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, that are intended for use by ​IRB decision-makers (members) and support personnel. This includes the Chairperson's Guideline 4: Gender Considerations in Proceedings Before the Immigration and Refugee Board and Guideline 9: Proceedings Before the ​IRB Involving Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics. GBA Plus is used during the development, monitoring, and review of these internal policy instruments. These instruments and tools were applied by the decision-makers in each of the four divisions where relevant throughout the fiscal year.

Comprehensive reviews, which had begun in 2021 to 2022, of the Chairperson's Guideline 3: Proceedings Involving Minors at the Immigration and Refugee Board and Guideline 8: Accessibility to ​IRB Proceedings — Procedural Accommodations and Substantive Considerations were completed. The updated guidelines were published in July 2023 and came into force in October 2023. The revised guidelines modernize guidance on the adjudication of proceedings at the ​IRB involving minors. They also provide guidance on granting procedural accommodations, including for situations where a person's disability, vulnerability and/or personal characteristics may be relevant to the assessment of the merits of a case, with an emphasis on the application of intersectional approaches. The guideline reviews were carried out in alignment with the ​IRB's GBA Plus policy statement.

Human resources (full-time equivalents) dedicated to GBA Plus

In fiscal year 2023 to 2024, the ​IRB had the equivalent of a 0.25 full-time equivalent dedicated to GBA Plus. This included a designated focal point who was responsible for developing content for corporate reports, reviewing the Board's GBA Plus content included in ​ ​IRCC or ​​CBSA Memoranda to Cabinet and Treasury Board submissions, and attending GBA Plus interdepartmental committee meetings.

Section 2: Gender and diversity impacts, by program

Core responsibility: Adjudication of immigration and refugee cases

Program name:

  • Admissibility and Detention Decisions
  • Immigration Appeal Decisions
  • Refugee Appeal Decisions
  • Refugee Protection Decisions
  • Internal Services

Program goals:

Program goals for Admissibility and Detention Decisions, Immigration Appeal Decisions, Refugee Appeal Decisions, and Refugee Protection Decisions: The Board has adjudicative independence and makes decisions on a case-by-case basis. The Board does apply a GBA Plus lens to its programs as per the Chairperson's Guideline 4: Gender Considerations in Proceedings Before the Immigration and Refugee Board, Guideline 8: Accessibility to ​IRB Proceedings — Procedural Accommodations and Substantive Considerations, and Guideline 9: Proceedings Before the ​IRB Involving Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics. Notably, the Gender-Related Task Force in the Refugee Protection Division is a dedicated team with specialized training to hear and decide gender-related refugee claims. It ensures the respectful, trauma-informed, and consistent adjudication of such claims. It also identifies, implements, and refines best practices for adjudicating gender-related claims and shares those best practices for adjudication broadly across the Division.

Program goals for Internal Services: The ​IRB's internal services goal is to become more inclusive and to reduce systemic bias by understanding the diverse needs of all employees, including members, and those appearing before the Board, regardless of sex, gender, or identity. The Board is partially guided in this goal through its Accessibility Plan 2023 to 2025 which aims to identify, remove and prevent barriers to accessibility.

Target population:

  • Admissibility and Detention Decisions: foreign nationals and permanent residents
  • Immigration Appeal Decisions: immigration appellants (does not include the Minister for the purpose of GBA Plus)
  • Refugee Appeal Decisions: refugee appellants (does not include the Minister for the purpose of GBA Plus)
  • Refugee Protection Decisions: refugee claimants
  • Internal Services: Board members and ​​IRB personnel

Distribution of benefits

The ​IRB is responsible for making well-reasoned decisions on immigration and refugee matters, efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law. The below information relates to the distribution of case finalizations in relation to gender and age group in fiscal year 2023 to 2024.

Admissibility finalizations


By gender 

First group: predominantly men (80% or more men)

By age group​

Second group: no significant intergenerational impacts or impacts on generations between youths and seniors.

Detention finalizations


By gender 

First group: predominantly men (80% or more men)

By age group

Second group: no significant intergenerational impacts or impacts on generations between youths and seniors.

Immigration appeal finalizations


By gender

Data not available.

By age group

Second group: no significant intergenerational impacts or impacts on generations between youths and seniors.

Refugee appeal finalizations


By gender 

Second group: 60% to 79% men

By age group

Second group: no significant intergenerational impacts or impacts on generations between youths and seniors.

Refugee protection finalizations


By gender 

Third group: broadly gender-balanced

By age group

Second group: no significant intergenerational impacts or impacts on generations between youths and seniors.

*Scale definitions

Gender scale

  • First group: predominantly men (80% or more men)
  • Second group: 60% to 79% men
  • Third group: broadly gender-balanced
  • Fourth group: 60% to 79% women
  • Fifth group: predominantly women (80% or more women)

Age group scale

  • First group: primarily benefits youth, children, or future generations
  • Second group: no significant intergenerational impacts or impacts on generations between youths and seniors
  • ​Third group: primarily benefits seniors or the baby boom generation

GBA Plus data collection plan

The ​IRB​'s case management system records a limited amount of information including the gender, age, and country of origin of persons appearing before it, as well as the application of the Chairperson's Guidelines 4 and 9. This information allows the Board to analyze its client base in a gender-disaggregated and age-stratified way.