Claiming refugee protection - 2. Providing the Basis for your Claim

If you have a claim for refugee protection pending before the RPD, you must keep your contact inform​ation up to date with the IRB. If your contact information changes, you must immediately inform the IRB of the changes in writing. The IRB will not be able to reach you without your correct contact information.

Tips for completing your BOC

  • Answer all of the questions.
  • Understand each question before answering it.
  • Use clear handwriting or complete the form on a computer.
  • Use extra paper if there is not enough room on the form.
  • If you had an interpreter help you, have them read it back to you in your language. Have them sign the Interpreter's declaration.
  • Only when you are certain that the information is correct, sign the declaration.

In your Basis of Claim Form (BOC Form) you will present your claim by providing details about who you are and why you are seeking protection in Canada.

A decision-maker (known as a “Member”) at the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) will use the information provided in your BOC Form, together with your testimony at the hearing and other evidence, to decide if you qualify for refugee protection. At your hearing, the member may ask you questions about anything you have included in your BOC Form. The member may also ask you other questions about things not included in your BOC Form.

When you submit your BOC Form, you should also submit other documents to support your claim including identity documents and evidence of human rights conditions in your country. Please consult the Gathering and Submitting Evidence page for more information.

Important information about the BOC Form

  • Deadlines to submit the form

    If you made your claim for refugee protection at an IRCC office, you must submit your completed BOC Form on the day of your eligibility interview. 


    If you made your claim for refugee protection at any port of entry, you must submit one completed BOC Form to the RPD for each family member, no later than 15 days after the date your claim was referred. 

  • Language to use on the form

    You must complete your BOC Form in either English or French. If an interpreter helps you complete the form, the interpreter must also sign it. If no interpreter helps you, you must sign a statement, which is part of your BOC Form. This statement indicates that you have read and you understand all the information on the BOC Form

  • Families

    All the members of your family who are claiming refugee protection must provide their own BOC Form. If you complete the BOC Form for a child in your care who is less than 18 years old, you must sign the child's BOC Form

    • Ages 0-6: only complete Part 1 (“Who you are")
    • Ages 7-17: must answer all of the questions.
  • How and where to submit the BOC Form

    Paper copy: You must give the original and one copy of your completed BOC Form to the RPD. You can bring your BOC Form to the regional office that is handling your claim, or you can send it by courier. If you have fewer than 20 pages in total, you can also send the form by fax. If you fax your BOC Form to the RPD, you will have to provide the original form at the beginning of your hearing. Do not send your BOC Form by regular mail.


    Electronic Copy: You may choose to submit the form electronically through Canada Post’s secure Connect service. You will have to provide the original form at the beginning of your hearing.

  • Making changes to the form after it is submitted

    If you find a mistake on your BOC Form, realize that you forgot something important, or receive additional information, you must tell the RPD. Underline the information you changed or added, sign and date the changed pages, and send the original and one copy of all the pages that have been changed to the RPD. You must also provide a declaration stating that the information in the BOC Form together with the changes and additions is complete, true and correct, and that you understand that the declaration has the same force as an oath. The RPD will then forward a copy of those changed pages to IRCC or the CBSA. The RPD must receive the new pages at least 10 days before your hearing.