Réponses aux demandes d'information

​​​Les réponses aux demandes d’information (RDI) sont des rapports de recherches sur les conditions dans les pays. Ils font suite à des demandes des décideurs de la CISR.

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Les réponses aux demandes d'information (RDI) citent des renseignements qui sont accessibles au public au moment de leur publication et dans les délais fixés pour leur préparation. Une liste de références et d'autres sources consultées figure dans chaque RDI. Les sources citées sont considérées comme les renseignements les plus récents accessibles à la date de publication de la RDI.    

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29 June 2016


China: Documents and parental authorization required to obtain a passport for a minor in Henan Province; procedures and requirements for obtaining a passport for a minor born out of wedlock if the parents are not married and only one parent has custody of the child (2010-June 2016)

Research Directorate, Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Ottawa

An April 2014 article from the Henan Daily newspaper republished on the website of the People's Republic of China's State Council states that the Exit-Entry Administration of the Henan Provincial Public Security Authority launched a new form to be used for applications for entry and exit documents, including passports (Henan Daily 2 Apr. 2014).

The article indicates that previously,


[i]n the case of applicants under the age of sixteen, all guardians used to be required to accompany the applicant to the public security authority when the application was submitted, and there were two signature columns for both the father and the mother. There also used to be the requirement to submit photocopies of resident’s identity cards or passports as proof of identity and to hand over the originals for inspection. If the parents of the minor applicant had separated, the guardians also had to provide a legally valid divorce agreement proving who held legal custody. (ibid).

The same source states that starting from 1 April 2014, "the new application simply requires that one of the guardians submit an opinion on the application and appear in person" (ibid.). Further information or corroboration could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within time constraints for this Response.

Information on procedures for obtaining a passport for a minor born out of wedlock and if only one parent has custody could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for refugee protection. Please find below the list of sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Henan Daily. 2 April 2014. Li Fenghu and Wang Lüyang. "Henan Launches New 'Application Form For Entry/Exit Documents For Chinese Citizens.'" Translated by the Translation Bureau, Public Services and Procurement Canada. [Accessed 20 June 2016]

Additional Sources Consulted

Oral sources: China – Consulate in Toronto, Embassy in Toronto, Embassy in Washington D.C.; PhD Candidate, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Leicester; Professor, Institute of Population and Labor Economics; two lawyers in Beijing.

Internet sites, including: Australia – Refugee Review Tribunal; Canada – Global Affairs Canada; Changge City People's Government Office; China – Chinese Government Network, Consular Affairs, Ministry of Public Safety, National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, State Council; China Daily; Chodorow Law Offices; ecoi.net; Freedom House; Henan Province – People's Government of Henan Province; Lawinfochina; People's Daily Online; United Kingdom – Home Office; UN – Refworld; US – Consulate General in Shenyang, Department of State, Law Library of Congress; Xuchang Municipal Government.
